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Tangibility: Designing Future Landscapes


Tangibility: Designing Future Landscapes
(V Apheleia International Seminar of Mação)
8-15 March, 2019

The fourth Apheleia International Seminar of Mação will focus on the relevance of tangibility, through gesture and experiment, in the digital age. It will, in particular, deepen the understanding of landscapes as territory-based (tangible) perceptions and as foresight culturally informed exercises.

While all human intelligence is, in a sense, artificial, i.e., an artefact structured through praxis, there is no distinction within it between the human and the tool. If tools are to be understood as extra-somatic extensions of the human body, human intelligence is still within the body, even if it can only move beyond its virtual potential once it embraces external realities. The intangible and the material are, for this reason, integrated as one in the human, making its coherence.
For long, humans created physical supports to accumulate knowledge and reasoning methods, through reciting, enacting, drawing or writing. These analogic softwares, albeit organically segregated from the human body, kept a three-dimensional nature, in which the material remained fundamental.  

However, the development o digital technologies and artificial intelligence creates a new framework, since it generates a perception (landscape) of segregation between the material and the intangible dimensions, which is fostered by the market (segregating hardware, which is still tangible, from software, which may seem to be intangible alone). In this sense, digital software presents itself as formally different from analogic software, such as books or records. And it seems to be this apparent autonomy of the intelligent software that triggers growing concerns.

The doubt remains: should this be the core of the debate concerning the digital revolutions?
Humanity is driven by endogenous and exogenous constraints that trigger adaptation strategies, innovation and, ultimately, transformation. This has been done, in the past, always through reflection and experiment, i.e., integrating abstract and empiric reasoning. What is to be the role of the tangible in a world where intelligence seems to migrate to other types of platforms? Some studies on the human brain and on the development of critical skills and competences, raise concerns and cast doubts on the innovative capacity of future generations.

The implications of the integration of almost all humans into a very limited series of communication and interaction tools, raised concerns on cultural diversity, but also on the management models of such societies (in terms of autonomy, participation or innovation). From an anthropological perspective, the potential scale of conflict among new brittle but massive networks, also raised doubts on the efficiency of participative governance models. While literature seems to illustrate the flourishing of minorities narratives and the entering into what some philosophers have called a post-human age, some historical studies tend to describe contemporary times as a re-enactment of past decaying moments, when disruption and the focus on technology occupied the room for values negotiation.

The debates to undertake during the IV Apheleia seminar attempt to address these and related concerns, stressing their relevance for cultural integrated landscape management and structuring them around three interactive clusters:
1. art and gesture (e.g., what, if anything, are we losing or gaining through the reduction of the diversity of gesture in our society, and what may be a renewed role for the arts and traditional knowledge under such processes?);

2. technology and experiments (e.g., what are the implications of new technologies requiring non-tangible experiments, and which is the room that may remain for tangibility within a digital space that challenges the three-dimensional framework of references humans have adapted to, so far?);

3. heritage and identities (e.g., if one may accept that identities are influenced by inherited things and values, but are mostly shaped through living interaction and transformation, which may become the role of tangible heritage within a matrix of relations that are not primarily based on Euclidean territories?).
This seminar is also associated to the official presentation of the new UNESCO-IPT Chair on Humanities and Cultural Integrated Landscape Management. It will focus primarily the contribution of the humanities to the three mentioned clusters, obviously in close articulation with natural and social sciences, technology, arts and traditional knowledge.
L. Oosterbeek


Thursday, 7th
Arrival of participants.

Friday, 8th
9h30 Musical opening: Firmação – Choir of the Musical Academy of Mação
9h45 Open session. Official launching of the IPTUNESCO chair on Humanities and Cultural Integrated Landscape management.
Addresses: Eugénio Almeida (President of IPT), John Crowley (UNESCO), Vasco Estrela (Mayor of Mação), Chao Gejin (President of CIPSH), Rita Brasil de Brito (Nat. Comm. UNESCO), Miguel Pombeiro (Exec. Director of CIMT), Pedro Félix (Vice-President of NERSANT), Álvaro Maglia (Sec. General of AUGM), Paulo Afonso Burman (Rector of UFSM), Darina Saliba Abi (Director of ICHS,
Byblos), Nuno Dionísio (SoftInsa – IBM group), Luiz Oosterbeek (UNESCO-IPT chair holder).
11h00 Musical intermezzo: Firmação – Strings of the Musical Academy of Mação
11h30 Keynote speech: Laurent Tissot (EC of CIPSH, coordinator of the GHH project, board of CISH)
The project of Global History of Humanity
11h50 Keynote speech: Helena Henriques (Director of the Geosciences Centre of Coimbra University, member of the European Association for Promoting Geoethics) Humanities and Sciences – rethinking paradigms
12h10 Musical closure: Firmação – Choir of the Musical Academy of Mação
12h30 Lunch
14h30 UNESCO and CIPSH chairs round table on The role of tangibility in the context of the societal priorities addressed by the Humanities.
Participants: André Soares (chair on Borders and Migrations, UFSM - BR), Artur Sá (chair on Geoparks, UTAD - PT), Benno Werlen (chair on Global Understanding for Sustainability, FSJU - DE), Harold Sjursen (chair on New Humanities, UCI - USA), John Crowley (UNESCO), Luiz Carlos Villalta (chair on Territorialities and Humanities: the globalization of Enlightenment, UFMG - BR), Nuno Guimarães da Costa (chair on Art and Science for Sustainable Development Goals, NU - FR)Luiz Oosterbeek (chair on Humanities and Cultural Landscape Management, IPT - PT).
16h30 Address by the Rector of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil (Prof. Dr. Paulo Afonso Burman).
16h50 Address by the Secretary-General of the Association of Universities of the Montevideo Group (Prof. dr. Álvaro Maglia)
17h10 End of session
21h00 Musical evening at the Cultural Centre: Fado (Francisca Correia)

Saturday, 9th (Theme 1: Art and gestures)
9h30 Keynote speech: Chao Gejin (President of CIPSH, Director of Institute at CASS, expert in Folklore studies, UNESCO steering board on Intangible Cultural Heritage)
How Intangible/Tangible Cultural Heritage Join Hands with Social Media: a Few Cases in China
10h15 Coffee-break
10h45 Marta Arzarello (Secretary-General of UISPP,
University of Ferrara)
Fill the gap: how the tangible heritage become
a non-tangible heredity
11h10 Luiz Oosterbeek (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, UNESCO-IPT chair holder)
Tangibility as a condition for intangible abstract knowledge – an archaeological perspective
11h35 Maria Medianeira Padoin (Federal University of Santa Maria)
The Fourth Colony of Italian Immigration of Rio Grande Do Sul (Brazil): territory and historical cultural heritage
12h00 Debate
12h30 Lunch
14h30 Workshop 1: Dragos Gheorghiu (National University of Arts, Bucharest) Hands, gestures, materials
16h30 Workshop 2: Pedro Cura (Instituto Terra e Memória, Mação)
The tangibility of the primitive gesture: an experimental approach
18h00 End of session
21h00 Musical evening: Philharmonic of Mação

Sunday, 10th (Theme 1: Art and gestures)
9h30 Keynote speech: Cao Li (EC of CIPSH,Expert in Literature, member of the board of FILLM, Professor at Tsinghua University)
The Night Tour to the Forbidden City: Innovation or Arrogance?
10h15 Coffee-break
10h45 Laurent Tissot (EC of CIPSH, coordinator of the GHH project, board of CISH, University of Neuchâtel)
The relevance of tangilibility in the practice of tourism
11h10 Fabio Carbone (Research Fellow at the Centre for Trust Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University; CGEO)
No line on the horizon. Cultural heritage and tourism beyond the current discourses on tourism and culture synergies)
11h35 Yolanda Fernández Muñoz (University of Extremadura)
Transculturación e identidad en el Patrimonio arquitectónico iberoamericano del siglo XVI: el Virreinato de Nueva España
12h00 Francisco Cambero (University of Extremadura)
Tangibility of the immaterial heritage such as identity mark. The case of Extremadura: metodhology, declaratory process and
12h20 Debate
12h45 Lunch
14h30 Laura Gil Alvarez (University of Extremadura)
Gentrification, mass tourism and loss of identities. Old Havana and Bairro Alto: emerging urban spaces in the rehabilitating
14h45 Alicia Diaz Mayordomo (University of Extremadura)
Talavera of Puebla (México): background, tradition and identity
15h00 Workshop: Helena Zemanková (Brno University of Technology) Architecture and landscape
17h00 End of session

Monday 11th (Theme 2: Technology and experiments)
9h30 Keynote speech: Harold Sjursen (New York State University)
Technological Ethics, Faith and Crisis of the Earth: How the discourse of humanities fails to address the problems of technology
10h15 Coffee-break
10h45 Inguelore Scheunemann (former manager of the science and society sector of CYTED, former rector, biologist, member of APHELEIA)
About the Transversability of the Intangible
11h10 Renaldas Gudauskas (EC of CIPSH, board of APHELEIA, Director of Vilnius National Library)
UNESCO Global Media and Information literacy framework in the Digital Age
11h35 Robert Belot (Jean Monnet University, head of the Cultural Heritage Department, Research Center UMR CNRS n°5060 in Lyon - Environnement-Ville-Société; European Jean Monnet Chair).
How has the screen and digital transformed the ontology of our relationship to the landscape by giving birth to heritage fiction?The case of Game of Thrones and Iceland
12h00 Debate
12h30 Lunch
14h30 Workshop: F. Coimbra (Instituto Terra e Memória; CGEO)
Archaeoacoustics (Sound Archaeology)
16h30 Roman Bartos, Andrea Kulísková, Monikas Barsová, Radka Poulícková (Brno University of Technology)
Our take on quarry in Pohled
17h00 End of session

Tuesday, 12th (Theme 2: Technology and experiments)
9h30 Keynote speech: Erika Robrhán-González (EC of UISPP, expert in archaeology and heritage, Director of Instituto Documento)
Knowledge Communities: Continuous Archeology linking past, present and future
10h15 Coffee-break
10h45 Hsi Hsi Chen (Asian New Humanities Network, Professor of CPH, NTU Taiwan, President of the International Asian Cancer Screening Network – IACCS)
Health humanity with tangible and intangible culture heritage
11h10 Maria Nicoli (University of Ferrara; CGEO)
Digital technologies in archaeology: a mixed approach
11h35 Sara Cura (Museum of Prehistoric Art of Mação – CMM, Instituto Terra e Memória, CGEO)
Approaching technology as anthropization
12h00 Debate
12h30 Lunch
14h30 Workshop: Luis Oliveira and Renato Panda (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar; Ci2 - Smart Cities Research Center)
ICT contributions to the heritage preservation and to understand the emotion on music
17h00 End of session

Wednesday, 13th
8h30 Study visit to the Agricultural Museum of Riachos
12h30 Lunch
14h30 Workshop: John High and Andrea Libin Creative writing
16h30: Kathryn Sjursen
Walk in the Wilderness
17h00 End of session

Thursday, 14th (Theme 3: Heritage and identities)
9h30 Keynote speech: Patrick Degeorges
10h15 Coffee-break
10h45 André Soares (Federal University of Santa Maria; UNESCO-UFSM chair holder) and Jedson F. Cerezer (Espaço Arqueologia, CGEO)
Experimental archaeology and Guarani indigenous people form the South of Brazil: a possible dialogue
11h10 Jorge Alberto Soares Cruz (Federal University of Santa Maria)
Historical heritage, document management, memory, preservation in the municipality of São João Do Polêsine, RS, Brazil (region of the fourth colony of Italian immigration)
11h35 Luciana Souza de Brito (Federal University of Santa Maria)
Heritage, document management and policy for the preservation and creation of a public and municipal historical archives in São João do Polêsine, RS, Brazil - pilot project
12h00 Debate
12h30 Lunch
14h30 Workshop: Rita Anastácio (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Director of SIG Master, CGEO), Rosa Nico (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, International Relations Office, CGEO)
Heritage mapping
16h30 Intangible materialities: A Ermida de Santo António (video – in Portuguese)
17h00 End of session

Friday, 15th (Theme 3: Heritage and identities)
9h30 Keynote speech: Steven Hartmann (UKK, Mälardalens Högskola)
The Great Challenges of the 21st Century Demand a New Humanities Paradigm
10h15 Coffee-break
10h45 Ana Isabel Madeira (institute of Education, Lisbon University)
Schooling memories in rural spaces: Briefing the project “Rescued memories, Reconstructed identities”
11h10 Luiz Villalta (Federal University of Minas Gerais, UNESCO-UFMG chair holder)
La culture matérielle et les identités «révolutionnaires » dans la sphère publique émergente au Portugal et au Brésil (1790-1815)
11h35 Teresa Desterro (Director of the Archaeology, Conservation, Restoration and Heritage unit of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar)
Title to announce
12h00 Debate
12h30 Lunch
14h30 Isabelle Moreels and José Julio García Arranz (University of Extremadura)
Identité culturelle nationale et cinéma contemporain : France, Italie et Espagne entre autoimage et hétéroimage
15h00 Sujitha Pillai (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar)
Rendering Voice To The Voiceless: Oppari (The art of lamenting)
15h15 Jessica Thomas
Digging up dirt? Ethical challenges concerning core samples in archaeology
15h30 Ivana Mircovic (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar – University of Ferrara)
Reuse of abandoned cultural heritage (Mação and region)
15h45 Dandara Jesus Francisco
A Patrimonial Approach to the Influence of Sedimentary Microcharcoals to Rebuild Forest Fires- Pla de les Preses (Girona-Spain)
16h00 Isabella Brandão de Queiroz, Kenia de Aguiar Ribeiro, Sujitha Pillai, Ivana Mircovic, Francisco Javier Cambero-Santano (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar and University of Extremadura)
To know, to understand and to improve through public archaeology: the case study of the Convent of Christ in Tomar (Portugal)
16h15 Renata (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar)
Carta Arqueológica de Mação: das materialidades à informação geográfica para a gestão integrada do território
16h15 Raiza Gusmão (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar)
Soliformes: convergências de símbolos e tipologias no Complexo de Arte Rupestre do Vale do Tejo
16h30 Isabella Brandão de Queiroz (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar)
A cultura material do ritual do Kiki, importante cerimônia de culto aos mortos do povo indígena kaingang (sul e sudeste do Brasil
17h00 Closure of the seminar


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