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Ano Letivo: 2022/23

Conservação e Restauro

Conservation and Restoration Project

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 10852/2016 - 05/09/2016

6 ECTS; 3º Ano, 2º Semestre, 5,0 OT , Cód. 938037.

- Fernando dos Santos Antunes (1)(2)
- Luís Filipe Raposo Pereira (2)
- Fernando Manuel Conceição Costa (2)
- Carla Maria P. Calado Rodrigues do Rego (2)
- Ana Patrícia Bidarra dos Santos Lourenço (2)
- Ricardo Pereira Triães (2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable.

1. Apply and develop knowledge in the technical and scientific field of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, in its functional areas of preservation, conservation and restoration, acquired in the teaching and training process, in the different curricular units of the study cycle.
2. Apply established knowledge and skills and develop new knowledge and technical and scientific skills in new situations related to the labor market – in the economic activity sector of conservation and restoration of integrated and mobile cultural heritage – both at the level of companies in the sector and subsidiary and partner companies; either at the level of entities and organizations (public or private), which own or are responsible for the management, safeguarding and enhancement, and for the preservation, conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, such as: archaeological sites, buildings and monuments (civil, military and religious), museums, archives and libraries, and private collectors.
3. Develop habits and practices of communication and dissemination of studies, investigations and interventions carried out, giving priority to the communication and public presentation of the projects developed, and encouraging and valuing the publication of articles related to the project work or its results, in sector/domain, national and international journals, favoring those with peer review.

A. Development of a conservation-restoration project, based on a written research work, subordinated to the optional specialty for which it is selected, and whose theme and structure will be, previously and necessarily, submitted, discussed and approved with the specialist's professor, who will guarantee their follow-up and guidance;
B. Development of research and investigation on a chosen and approved topic, in a holistic perspective and of multidisciplinary integration of knowledge and skills developed in different scientific and technical areas throughout the study cycle;
C. Preparation and organization of communication and public dissemination of the project's object of study, through oral presentation supported by a multimedia document.

Specialties offered by the Course:
Ceramic Materials; Stone Materials; Altarpieces and Carving; Wood Sculpture; Furniture; Easel Painting; Graphic Documents.

Evaluation Methodology
The final assessment includes the following items:
1. Public oral presentation of the object of study of the Project in CR (10%);
2.Multimedia computer document to support oral presentation (10%);
3.Conservation and Restoration Project - Written research paper (80%).

Complementary information:
-The assessment results from the weighting of the 3 assessment items, with the students having to obtain, at least, 10 values to obtain approval;
-Exams are waived for students who have an average of 10 or more;
-Students are obliged to proceed with the oral presentation (10%) and the delivery of the multimedia computer document (10%), and to obtain, at least, 10 values in each of these items, in order to be admitted to the exam, their presentation and delivery will dictate exclusion from examination;
-In the final evaluation, in the different exam periods, all evaluation items will always be weighted
-Possible improvements will only be made to the written research papers, with the remaining assessment items being considered in the final weighting.

- BUYS, S. e OAKLEY, V. (1993). The Conservation and Restoration of Ceramics. London: Butterworth, Heinemann
- DANIELS, C. (2015). The Stone Restoration Handbook: A practical guide to the conservation repair of stone and masonry paperback. Marlborough: Crowood Press
- DESCAMPS (ed.), F. (0). Methodology for the Conservation of Polychromed Wooden Altarpieces.: An International Conference Organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and the Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, Seville, May 2002. . Acedido em 4 de março de 2021 em https://www.getty.edu/conservation/publications_resources/pdf_publications/wooden_altarpieces.html
- ORDOÑEZ,, C. e ORDOÑEZ, L. e ROTAECHE, M. (1996). Il Mobile: Conservazione e Restauro. Fiosole: Nardini Editore
- RIVERS, S. e UMNEY, N. (2012). Conservation of Furniture. Butterworth-Heinemann Series in Conservation and Museology. London: Routledge
- SCHWEIDLER, M. (0). The Restoration of Engravings, Drawings, Books, and Other Works on Paper. Translated, edited, and with an introduction, appendix, and glossary by Roy Perkinson.. Acedido em 4 de março de 2021 em https://www.getty.edu/conservation/publications_resources/books/restoration_works_on_paper.html
- STONER, J. e RUSHFIELD, R. (2012). Conservation of Easel Paintings. London: Routledge
- TAUBERT, J. (2015). Polychrome Sculpture: Meaning, Form, Conservation. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute.

Teaching Method
1.Sessions will be available for tutorial guidance to monitor the work to be carried out.
2.Sessions or training events may be organised.
3.Participation in educational, scientific and cultural events will be encouraged.

Software used in class
Not applicable.




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