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Ano Letivo: 2019/20

Conservação e Restauro

Moulding Techniques

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 10852/2016 - 05/09/2016

3.5 ECTS; 2º Ano, 2º Semestre, 15,0 T + 45,0 PL + 2,0 OT , Cód. 938053.

- Fernando Manuel Conceição Costa (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable.

To provide students with the necessary theoretical and practical means, so that they can choose to choose according to the characteristics and requirements of each type of object to be shaped and reproduced, as well as the most suitable products and materials in each case, without forgetting the care to be taken with the object to shape from the point of view of its state of conservation.
Contribute to enable students to expand their knowledge and mastery of technical processes, developing their practical skills in the areas of modeling, molding and reproduction of art objects.

To appeal to students about the need for greater awareness of the problem of object reproduction and the importance of Molding Techniques as a support discipline in the different areas of Art History, Mobile and Property Heritage Conservation and Museology and Museography.

1. Introduction

2. Difference between molding and modeling.

3. Mould:
3.1. What is a Mould?
3.2. So that serv a Mould?
3.3. When should you use?

4. Copy:
4.1. What is a reproduction?
4.2. When to opt for a full or partial reproduction?

5. Difference between copy, replication and falsification.

6. Types of reproduction:
6.1. Reproduction of Cultural type.
6.2. Reproduction of Technical type.
6.3. Reproduction of Social type:
6.3.1. Social limited.
6.3.2. Unlimited social.
6.3.2. Social speculative.

7. Evaluation Standards copies or reproductions.

8. Legislation and Codes of Ethics regarding the issue of reproductions.

9. Mould Types.
9.1. Lost mold.
9.2. Pressed mold.
9.3. Stuck mold.
9.4. Hard molds (Cast, Lost Wax, Polyester, etc.).
9.5. Flexible molds (Gelatin, Latex, Agar Agar).
9.6. Flexible molds Synthetics Hardening Cold (silicone and polyurethane).

10. Applied Molding the Preservation and Restoration of situations.
10.1. Simple molds Dentist wax.
10.2. Univalves molds, bivalves and Latex Glove.
10.3. Univalves and Bivalves molds in Silicone.

11. Molding Materials
11.1. The Clays
11.2. The Plasticine
11.3. The Jellies
11.4. The Plaster
11.5. The wax.
11.6. Latex.
11.7. Silicone.
11.8. The polyurethane.

12. Copy materials.
12.1. Clay.
12.2. The Wax.
12.3. The Gypsum.
12.4. Mortars (lime, cement).
12.5. The Polyurethanes.
12.6. The polyesters.
12.7. The epoxide resins.
12.8. The Acrylic Resins.

13. The materials used as separators or Release agent.
13.1. Release agent films.
13.2. Mold Releases liquids.
13.3. Post Release agent.
13.4. Folders or Release agent solutions.

14. Reproduction in Different Contexts.
14.1. Reproduction in Museologic context.
14.2. Reproduction as security measure.
14.3. Reproduction as Object of Investigation.

15. Techniques for Making copies or reproductions.
15.1. By leakage.
15.2. Injection.
15.3. By stratification.
15.4. Or by Electroplating.

16. Copies of finishing techniques.
16.1. Direct application of pigment in Molde.
16.2. Painting / Reintegration.
16.3. Polishing.
16.4. "Patines"

Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment: practical part (practical performance 50% + technical report 20%) and theoretical part (research work 30%). The student is exempt from exam whenever he completes each of the components with a grade equal or higher than ten values.

- BRYDSON, J. (1989). Plastic Materials. London: ButterWorths
- CLÉRIN, P. (2002). La sculpture. Toutes les Techniques.. Paris: Dessain et Tolra
- HAMER, F. (1986). Potter’s. Dictionary Of Materials And Techniques. London: A & C Black
- LARSEN, E. (1981). Moulding And Casting Of Museum Objects. Copenhagen: The school of conservation

Teaching Method
Theoretical-practical Lectures with analysis of case studies and laboratory classes with implementation of practical exercises with different types of molds and materials and
report presentation of the procedures adopted.

Software used in class
Not applicable.




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