Centre for Technology, Restoration and Art Enhancement
Strategic objectives
Promote a scientific culture that adopts the procedures required to fulfil the principles of good research practices: integrity, transparency, impartiality, independence and cooperation that are crucial to perform high-quality scientific research;
a) Organise, develop, coordinate, promote and support scientific, technological and artistic research projects in line with the mission of the Centre;
b) Contribute to the support and recognition (by national and/or foreign entities) of research projects proposed by the members of the Centre;
c) Disseminate research and development results and activities through the best available media, namely the publication of scientific papers, edition of scientific, artistic and educational journals, organisation of scientific, artistic and cultural meetings, creation of databases, sample repositories and information systems;
d) Promote the transfer of knowledge and science for entrepreneurs and public bodies;
e) Promote and support advanced training for researchers.