Archeology, and Underwater Heritage Conservation Laboratory
PIPA: MEDICE - Intervention Area Alvaiázere (Leiria)
The project is approved by IPPC - Project: Memories, Dynamics and Scenarios from Prehistory to the Classical Era 2017-2021.
Continuation until 2028 under the designation of MEDICE II. It follows from previous projects TEMPOAR, ANTROPE, and SIPOSU-MC.
OBJECTIVES: Study and intervention in various archaeological sites recorded in the central region, from Prehistory to the Classical Era.
This is a multi-year research project aimed at studying prehistoric cultures in their funerary and ritualistic contexts, understanding their cultural, social, and economic behaviors, as well as identifying the affinity between groups and social and economic dynamics through the analysis of archaeological contexts and material and biological markers.
More information can be found at
Sites Intervened in Alvaiázere
- Rego da Murta Megalithic Complex – 14 archaeological sites – Prehistory
- Habitat site – Castelo da Loureira – Protohistory
- Prospecting cavities and rock art – Prehistory and Protohistory
- Gruta do Bacelinho site – Classical Era
- Algar da Água Cave site – Prehistory to Classical Era
Sites Intervened in Ourém
- Anta da Azurrague – Prehistory
- Lapa da Furada – Prehistoric Cave
- Algar da Malhada de Dentro – Prehistory
Associated Publications:
Oosterbeek, L., Cruz, A., Rosina, P., Figueiredo, A., & Grimaldi, S. (2002). TEMPOAR – Territories, mobility, and settlement in Alto Ribatejo (Portugal) – 1998-2001 (Global synthesis of the work carried out). ARKEOS, Perspectivas em Diálogo, 12, 261-322.
Velho, A. (2002b). The megalithic monument of Rego da Murta: Report of the excavation campaigns from 1999 to 2001. Techne, 5. Tomar: Arqueojovem.
Oosterbeek, L., Cruz, A., Rosina, P., Figueiredo, A., & Grimaldi, S. (2003). TEMPOAR – Territories, mobility, and settlement in Alto Ribatejo (Portugal) – 1998-2001. Instituto Politécnico de Tomar.
Velho, A. (2003). The Anta I of Rego da Murta: 2001 excavation campaign. Techne, 8, 23-28. Tomar: Arqueojovem.
Figueiredo, A. (2004). The Anta I of Rego da Murta: Summary description of the work conducted in 2003. Techne, 9, 115-126. Tomar: Arqueojovem.
Velho, A. (2004). Contribution to the study and understanding of megalithism in Alto Ribatejo: The Anta I of Rego da Murta, Alvaiázere, Leiria. In N. Bicho & A. Faustino Carvalho (Coords.), Symbolism, art, and sacred spaces in the prehistory of the Iberian Peninsula: Proceedings of the IV Congress of Peninsular Archaeology, 69-88. Faro. ISBN 972-99693-5-3.
Figueiredo, A. (2004). The Roman monument of Rego da Murta/Ramalhal. Techne, 9, 139-150. Tomar: Arqueojovem.
Figueiredo, A. (2004). The Anta II of Rego da Murta (Alvaiázere) – Results of the 1st excavation campaign. Techne, 9, 127-138. Tomar: Arqueojovem.
Figueiredo, A., & Velho, G. (2004). ARQSOFT: Database for archaeology in Alto Ribatejo. Techne, 9, 153-188. Tomar: Arqueojovem.
Figueiredo, A. (2005). Contribution to the analysis of megalithism in Alto Ribatejo: The megalithic complex of Rego da Murta, Alvaiázere. Al-madan, 13(2), 134-136.
Figueiredo, A., Oosterbeek, L., Guizi, G., Azarelo, M., Westengaard, S., Cura, S., Burenhult, G., Minelli, A., Thun Hohenstein, U., & Peretto, C. (2005). The architectural evolution in prehistory: The Moment Past project. Journal of Iberian Archaeology, 7, 75-99.
Figueiredo, A. (2007). The Megalithic Complex of Rego da Murta: Late prehistory of Alto Ribatejo (IV-II millennia BC): Problems and questions [Doctoral thesis, University of Porto].
Figueiredo, A. (2007). Between caves and megalithic monuments: Problems and questions in the late prehistory of Alto Ribatejo. Al-madan Online: Adenda Electrónica, 15(III).
Figueiredo, A., & Gonçalves, A. (Eds.). (2007). Algorithms with History: Proceedings of the V Congress of Computer Applications in Archaeology and Heritage. Instituto Politécnico de Leiria and CAAPortugal.
Figueiredo, A. (2007). Walking in a way: Some conclusions on the recent prehistory in the Alto Ribatejo region. In Proceedings of the XXXIII Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference (pp. 353-358). CAAPortugal.
Figueiredo, A. (2009). Returning back in time to 5500 years ago. Revista Al-Baiaz.
Figueiredo, A. (2009). Between stones and rituals: Monument II of Rego da Murta. Revista Al-Baiaz.
Velho, A., & Kamermans, H. (Eds.). (2009). Technology and methodology for archaeological practice: Practical applications for the past reconstruction – Proceedings of the XV World Congress UISPP (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006). BAR International Series. Oxford: Archeopress. ISBN 9781407306063.
Figueiredo, A. (2010). Rituals and death cults in recent prehistory in central Portugal (Alto Ribatejo). Documenta Praehistorica, 37, 85-94.
Figueiredo, A. (2011). Intra and inter-site analysis: Geographic information systems in the analysis of archaeological sites – The case of the Megalithic Complex of Rego da Murta (Alvaiázere). In L. Oosterbeek & C. Fidalgo (Eds.), Proceedings of the XV UISPP World Congress (Vol. 47). Lisbon: UISPP.
Figueiredo, A., & Oosterbeek, L. (2011). Two hidden landscapes in the center of Portugal: Rego da Murta (Alvaiázere) and Ocreza (Mação). In M. van Leusen, G. Pizziolo, & L. Sarti (Eds.), Hidden landscapes of Mediterranean Europe: Cultural and methodological biases in pre- and protohistoric landscape studies (pp. 1-10). Oxford: Archeopress.
Figueiredo, A., et al. (2011). Study and analysis of underwater heritage of Santa Catarina Island (Praia dos Ingleses), Brazil. In Fusion of Cultures (CD edition). Granada: CAA2011.
Figueiredo, A. (2011). Rituals and death cults in recent prehistory in central Portugal (Alto Ribatejo). Journal of Iberian Archaeology, 14, 50-62.
Figueiredo, A., & Monteiro, C. (2012). The rock art of Alqueva (revisited): Project for studying its conservation state. Revista Almadan, 17, 155-193.
Figueiredo, A., Noelli, F., Monteiro, C., Viana, A., & Moura, M. (2012). Study and analysis of underwater heritage of Santa Catarina Island (Florianópolis, Brazil). Revista Almadan, 17, 143-149.
Figueiredo, A. (2012). Rituals and death cults in recent prehistory in central Portugal (Alto Ribatejo). In V. Sirbu & C. Schuster (Eds.), Tumuli graves – Status symbol of the dead in Bronze and Iron Ages in Europe (Vol. 2, pp. 3-16). Oxford: Archeopress.
Figueiredo, A., Gradoli, G., Floris, R., & Monteiro, C. (2012). The cave of Sa Omu and Tziu Giovanni Murgia, Funtana Arrubia, Nurallao (South-central Sardinia – Italy): First conclusions. In V. Sirbu & C. Schuster (Eds.), Tumuli graves – Status symbol of the dead in Bronze and Iron Ages in Europe (Vol. 2, pp. 17-22). Oxford: Archeopress.
Figueiredo, A. (2013). The archaeological site of Anta I of Rego da Murta. Revista Antrope, 0, 9-17. Retrieved from
Figueiredo, A. (2013). The prehistoric archaeological site of Farroeira (Alvaiázere): Results of a non-intrusive intervention. Revista Antrope, 0, 52-58. Retrieved from
Waterman, A. J., Figueiredo, A., Thomas, J. T., & Peate, D. W. (2013). Identifying migrants in the Late Neolithic burials of the Antas of Rego da Murta (Alvaiázere, Portugal) using strontium isotopes. Revista Antrope, 0, 190-197. Retrieved from
Figueiredo, A., Rolão, J., Saraiva, R., Monteiro, C., & Pinto, R. (2014). Results of archaeological surveys in the caves of Alto Nabão (Leiria - Central Portugal). Revista Memorare, 1(2),
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