Archeology, and Underwater Heritage Conservation Laboratory
Atividade Científica
Currently, from 2021 to 2024, we are developing the following research projects:
CARACA Project - A 4-year project focused on creating the Archaeological Map of Caldas da Rainha. (Follow our progress at CARACA Facebook Page)
MEDICE Project - Another 4-year endeavor titled "Memories and Dynamics and Scenarios from Prehistory to the Medieval Period". (Follow our progress at LabACPS Facebook Page)
Brazilian Plurianual Project - Identification of the shipwreck known as "BARCO do ACARAÚ" located in Fortaleza.
Blue School Project - Heritage Education project focusing on Subaquatic Heritage - Ocean Literacy and The ocean misses us.
JORNAL Project - A column in Alvaiazerense newspaper.
EXEA Museum Project - Collaboration project in Brazil.
Ciência Viva Projects - Involvement in the Young Scientists in the Lab program.