The course curriculum totals 180 ECTS credits distributed throughout 6 curricular semesters (3 years), each with 40 weeks of full-time study (20 weeks per semester). 1510 Total average study hours per year and 690 contact hours per year in average.
The ECTS credits are distributed per scientific area as follows:
- Social and Human Sciences: 62 ECTS credits,
- Exact and Natural Sciences: 52 ECTS credits,
- Technological Sciences: 28 ECTS credits,
- Other areas (optional modules): 31 ECTS credits
- Curricular Internship/Seminar: 7 ECTS credits
In the first and second year, in addition to the 5 compulsory semester modules, there are 2 annual modules. In the third year, there are only 5 modules per semester including the curricular internship to be undertaken in a public or private organisation under the terms of a written agreement signed by both institutions.